Welcome to Mikey’s website, Ha Giang loop motorbike – the beautiful beginning of the country!
– Here we invite you to participate in a meaningful Ha Giang loop trip that you will definitely never have in your life.
Ha Giang, a land located in the northernmost part of Vietnam, is not only famous for its majestic landscape but is also an ideal destination for those who love to explore and adventure. With rolling rocky mountains, dangerous winding roads and green terraced fields, Ha Giang will surely captivate any tourist.
Our website was created for the purpose of sharing information, experience and useful tips to help you have an enjoyable and safe trip in this land.
We hope that the information on the website will help you get an overview of Ha Giang and prepare well for your trip. You can learn about destinations, itineraries, hotels, restaurants and how to get around the area. In addition, we also provide suggestions for unique activities and experiences that you should not miss.
Join us to explore the wild and attractive beauty of Ha Giang. We believe that the experience here will leave memorable memories in your heart. Prepare yourself and start your journey to explore Ha Giang right now!